2019년 3월 15일 금요일

Problems and Adjustments of Renewable Energy Legislation in China

Weidong Yang No.2 Beinong Road, Zhuxinzhuang, Dewai, Beijing, P.R. China 102206.
Corresponding Author: ywd@sunshinelaw.com.cn
ⓒ Copyright YIJUN Institute of International Law
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The abandonment of wind and PV power has become the Achilles heel that restricts the development of renewable energy in China, which is associated with institutional defects in China's Renewable Energy Law. As a priority area in energy development, renewable energy is not substantialized. Instead, it is undermined because the guarantee system for purchasing electricity, generated by the use of renewable energy resources, in full amount, is alienated by lower-level laws. The unestablished mandatory legal obligations and responsibilities in power grid transmission networks lead to difficulties in renewable energy power generation, transmission, and accommodation. Due to the lack of continuity and stability in the feed-in tariff and subsidy policies for renewable energy, investors cannot have reasonable expectations. China's Renewable Energy Law must be remedied to correct these existing institutional defects, and to solve the problem of wind and PV power abandonment in order to promote the healthy development of renewable energy.

Keywords : China Renewable Energy Law, Institutional Defects, Power Grid Mandatory Investment Obligation, Legislative Adjustment

The Full Text is available at: http://journal.yiil.org/home/archives_v10n2_01

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